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Archives for 2012

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – A Yoga Class!

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a very common problem that affects many people. In fact, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics reports about 28,000 CTS cases per year and because so many sufferers jump to a surgical option, it’s become THE LEADING CAUSE of lost workdays in the United States. Women are 71% more likely [..]

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – A Yoga Class!

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a very common problem that affects many people. In fact, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics reports about 28,000 CTS cases per year and because so many sufferers jump to a surgical option, it’s become THE LEADING CAUSE of lost workdays in the United States. Women are 71% more likely [..]

The Neck Pain and Smoking Connection

It's estimated that as many as 213 per 1,000 people may have neck pain at any given time with the twelve-month prevalence ranging between 30-50%. There is a lot of convincing peer-reviewed literature (research) that supports chiropractic as one of the first and best courses of care to consider when choosing a treatment option for [..]

Low Back Pain and Obesity Part 2

Losing weight can dramatically reduce low back pain (LBP). Like last month, we will look at easy ways to lose weight without the need for fancy, hard to follow diets. As the saying goes, this is a "no-brainer." Alcohol hints. When consuming alcohol, follow the first beverage with a glass of water. This will reduce [..]

Whiplash: Does Chiropractic Work?

The term "Whiplash" is associated with neck injuries that frequently occur as a result of motor vehicle collisions. There is much published about how injury occurs, the most compelling of which is that we simply cannot voluntarily contract our neck muscles fast enough to avoid injury, as injury to the neck occurs within 500msec. and [..]

Is It Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia (FM) symptoms are characterized by chronic generalized pain, and can include debilitating fatigue, sleep disturbance, joint stiffness, numbness or tingling, bowel/bladder dysfunction, and can sometimes effect one's ability to process their thoughts clearly (cognitive dysfunction). It can come on fast, almost overnight, or it can develop very slowly over several years. This highly variable [..]

Chiropractic Care for Children

Chiropractic techniques are not limited to any particular group. Doctors of chiropractic see patients of all ages, sizes, genders, ethnicities, and so on. So, is the care of children “different” than chiropractic care applied to adults? If so, how?There are studies that have reviewed the treatment of musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions (like low back pain), non-MSK [..]

What Type of Doctor Should You See For Acute or Chronic Back Pain?

Have you ever considered which type of doctor is best suited to treat back pain? Since there are so many treatment options available today, it is quite challenging to make this decision without a little help. To facilitate, a study looking at this very question compared the effectiveness between medical and chiropractic intervention. Over a [..]

How to Explain Chiropractic to Others

We cannot thank our family, friends, patients, and allied healthcare providers enough for referring patients to our practice. There is no other form of advertising that attracts the quality of patients as those our patients refer to us. So, here's some information that may help you tell others about us: Chiropractic has been around since [..]